CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. SENR Announcements, August 30

    mingle and enjoy a snack prior to taking your seats!  SENR Resources Add paragraph:  Copy:  The Revised ... Undergraduate and Career Newsletter, please submit here>> The newsletter is delivered every other Sunday ... resource managers, outdoor enthusiasts and volunteers can play a role in stopping and slowing the spread of ...

  2. Ohio Soybean Growers: Submit Your Sudden Death Syndrome Samples

    fungal pathogen Fusarium virguliforme. While this is the most prevalent species in the region, other ... bag. 3. Complete this SDS submission form. 4. Mail the samples to our lab. For more information on SDS, ...

  3. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control ...

  4. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control ...

  5. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control ...

  6. Rumpke Recycling Tour 10.30.2024

    Facility, the largest residential recycling plant in North America. We’ll review items acceptable for Rumpke ...

  7. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) Seminar Series  welcomes Jeff Buler, ... passage like how migrants negotiate other ecological barriers. Lastly, I will discuss how widespread ...

  9. It all comes naturally

    natural resource projects and showing livestock at the county fair sparked his interest in this career.  ... his expertise and knowledge with youth by volunteering as a natural resources project judge at the ...

  10. Save Smart, Plan Ahead: Join the Virtual Retirement Fair

    Human Resources is hosting a Virtual Retirement Fair, offering you the chance to connect with ...
