CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. HACCP Overview for Line Employees

    mandatory for all inspected meat processing facilities, under the Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Regulation of ...

  2. Partnerships

    Partnerships- How can OSU Extension and Ohio State University campus colleagues partner to help Ohioans?  OSU Extension colleagues located on campus and across the state work in every Ohio county connecting the knowledge and resources at Ohio State with c ...

  3. 2009 Personnel Support Grants

    2009 Personnel Support Grants Building Flexible Models to Integrate College Access with County-based Extension Education Through the OSU CARES Grant new curriculum materials were developed for the Ohio State Extension Service’s 88 offices across Ohio. A k ...

  4. 2014 Seed Grants

    2014 Seed Grants Water First for Thirst: Promoting Healthier Beverage Consumption through Youth Advocacy Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. There is considerable evidence linking sugar-sweetened beverage consumption to obesity. A social e ...

  5. 1999 Seed Grants

    1999 Seed Grants 4-H Science Series The 4-H Science Series project increased awareness, interest and aptitude in applied science methods through a series of fun and educational science-based activities. These activities included: a) use of advanced techno ...

  6. 2002 Seed Grants

    2002 Seed Grants The Buckeye Sports Turf Program The focus of the Buckeye Sports Turf Program, designed to be county-delivered by County Extension Agents, was to help athletic field managers and coaches provide their athletes with safe, high performance a ...

  7. 2003 Seed Grants

    2003 Seed Grants Impact of Ohio Economic Development through Outreach to the Business & Industry Community The grant project provided training, coaching and mentoring of Extension personnel to demonstrate how to get maximum exposure for current projec ...

  8. 2006 Faculty Support Grants

    2006 Faculty Support Grants Strengthening Ohio 's Polymer and Advanced Materials Industry Ohio 's polymer and advanced materials industry is critical to the state's economy. With over 2,800 companies accounting for $49 billion in shipments ...

  9. 2006 Seed Grants

    2006 Seed Grants Sustainable Community Index, A Framework for Community Planning The Sustainable Community Index (SCI) project addresses the needs of Ohio communities that seek ways to live in a sustainable manner without endangering the welfare of future ...

  10. 2007 Seed Grants

    2007 Seed Grants Give Me Five: A Community Approach to Childhood Wellness Give Me Five is a multipronged approach to prevent childhood obesity through education, nutrition, and physical activity. The program was delivered to 49 first grade classrooms from ...
