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Facilities Maintenance
Supervisors Jeff Imhoff Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, Maintenance, Painters, Housing Maintenance Email: Phone: 330-263-3915 Doug Peyton Heat Plant, Campus Heating, Cooling, HVAC Email: Phone: 330-263-3602 Lori Bat ...
Tips for Writing
picture Avoid fuzzy words. Conditions, situations, facilities and inadequacies are typical examples. ...
Secretary of Agriculture: Ohio State's Ag Research Plays 'Essential Role' in Health Issues
Sciences on June 28, touring facilities in the Department of Food Science and Technology. "Many people ...
Scarlet or Not, Ohio State Works to Make Sure Your Poinsettias Are the Best
conditions and facilities, and if they are cost-effective compared to chemicals," Cañas said. Palm said ...
Communiqué April 16, 2014
Officials and Stakeholders (Rose Fisher Merkowitz and Treva Williams), and Situational Analysis: What is it ...
CD Weekly Wire- July 2, 2012
AD Update: Thanks much to Melinda and colleagues who hosted us at the Stone Lab facilities on ... at Camp Mowana ( on September 26 and 27. There are ...
Facilities Marjorie Trishman
200 (Wooster) Friday, October 21, 2016- 10:00am to 12:45pm ...
Christmas Trees Living Large: A Photo Tour in Secrest Arboretum
a week, dawn to dusk. The 115-acre facility is part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...
Freshwater Prawn Finding Niche in Ohio Aquaculture
invite them to our facility, analyze what resources they have and need, and put together a business plan ...
CD Wire- March 19, 2013
be held April 3 in the Ag Admin Auditorium. As part of the agenda, we’ll have an opportunity to ...