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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Fellows

    results from frequent stream study classes at outdoor education facilities. His goal is to find acceptable ...

  2. Springfield Historical Facts

    plant on East Street in Springfield was said to be the second biggest industrial facility under one roof ...

  3. Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models

    while placing a premium on easy access to high quality health care facilities. Thus variation in access ...

  4. Combinatorial, Computational and Green Chemistry

    comprehensive facilities and equipment in five divisions: analytical, inorganic, organic, physical and ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-31

    approaching and it is time to prepare storage facilities and harvest equipment for the coming corn and ... measures include: facility inspection and repair, sanitation, and empty-bin insecticide treatments. The ... condition of the grain facility can be as important as the potential of insects infesting the stored grain. ...

  6. Chadwick Arboretum Celebrates Arbor Day

    Gardens. Guest speaker Dean Ramsey, emeritus vice president of Ohio State's Physical Facilities ...

  7. Pests of the Rare and Familiar Part of Diagnostic Clinic at Farm Science Review

    a state-of-the-art facility that specializes in diagnosing a myriad of pest and plant health problems. Clinic ...

  8. Researchers: Ohio in Prime Position to Fill Green Energy Gaps

    population and of the nation's manufacturing facilities. "Investing in these types of technologies ...

  9. OSU Sustainable Ag Tours Set: ‘Learn from the Farmers Themselves’

    facility in the United States. Included will be a tour of the chestnut orchards and an inside look at ...

  10. On-Farm Savings Not Hard to Come By, If You Know Where to Look

    appointment, said that making changes in crop production, effectively managing farmstead facilities, and ... no-till more economical, said Reeder. Farmers can also save energy by managing their farmstead facilities ...
