CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Bioproducts World Showcase and Conference 2014

    Bioproducts World Showcase and Conference. This event was hosted by OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center at The ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-34

    are present, then the subsurface drainage system is not functioning properly, and any crop yield ... crop rotation. From our OARDC research in Wood County on Hoytville silty clay soil, we observed an ...

  3. Winter Weather Outlook

    latest 16-day average rainfall outlook go to the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center link ...

  4. AEDE 2014 Alumni Awards Reception

    Building for our graduates receiving 2014 alumni awards from the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  5. Ohio Weather Outlook for October

    the region from the National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center can be found here:  ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-13

    1. What impact will late planting dates have on Ohio’s crop performance? Long term research by ... leaf.  It should be pointed out that this threshold is a reduction from that used in the past.  Research ... Extension researchers generally do not recommend products or practices that do not have a high probability ...

  7. Matheus De Nardo's Graduate Defense Seminar

    research participants. I conducted structured, interactive interviews with 71 participants (30 ...

  8. Engage

    sustainability work through student organizations, residential learning communities, research, and connections to ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-03

    monitor fields that are close to ports or facilities were seed cleaning may take place. Bioterrisom – this ... a function of temperature. Metabolism slows as the temperature decreases and results in a reduced demand for ... growth habit to improve their fit where competing with other plants. Recent research at Michigan State ...

  10. OSF Market Beef DNA Sampls Due at Ohio Expo Center

    The Ohio State Fair requires all market beef entered in the 2018 Ohio State Fair to have individual DNA samples taken from each animal that may potentially be entered. These DNA samples must be in the possession of the Ohio State Fair by January 15, 2018. ...
