CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Urban Farming Study: What's the Best Way to Turn a Parking Lot into a Garden?

    Entomology. He heads the university's Ohio Integrated Pest Management Program. OARDC, OSU Extension and ...

  2. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    of this work is to determine which management practices and varieties produce berries with the ...

  3. Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program

    decisions." Tail docking, or shortening the length of the tail, is common management practice in sheep, ...

  4. New Opportunities for Tomato Growers With Grafting

    tunnel users must squeeze every dime out of every square foot of semi-controlled space they manage ...

  5. OSU to Offer Ag and Natural Resource Tax Issues Workshop

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Past Events


  7. Ohio Fair Managers Conference- Junior Fair Day- Columbus


  8. Ohio Dairy Health and Management Certificate Program

    Module 2- Advanced Dairy Reproduction. Brought to you by OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Extension. ...

  9. Dairy Coaches/Experienced Youth Judges Workshop

    Following ATI Invitational Dairy Judging Contest in the Armstrong Building at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Come to develop skills writing and presenting a better set of reasons. Sample sets from an expert will be given on 2-3 of the day’s classes. Space ...

  10. Bonello Publications

    Potential of induced resistance as a tool for the management of pathogens and insects in trees.  New Zealand ... Sphaeropsis sapinea. Forest Ecology and Management 208:373-382. Graham, T. L., and P. Bonello. 2004. Pathogen ...
