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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Spring Symposium- First Year Grad Students

    to Magnaporthe oryzae and development of Wheat Blast 11:10 – 11:30 Donald Gillis (MS/PhD, McSpadden ...

  2. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    4-H is the youth development program of Ohio State University Extension, which is the outreach arm of ... production, plant and seed development, agricultural careers, and the whole lifecycle of food and nutrition-- ...

  3. Does the Insurance Effect of Public and Private Transfers Favor Financial Deepening? Evidence from Rural Nicaragua

    Development Finance, 2(1), 9-21, March 2012. Monday, February 13, 2012 RDF18.pdf ...

  4. Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging in Corn

    Paul, an Ohio State University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... the leaves, stalks and roots in favor of ear development. While the process ensures a supply of ... Drought-stressed corn also faces the potential for mycotoxin development and nitrate problems. Mycotoxins, ...

  5. Corn Condition a Mixed Bag Following Wind Storm

    with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that, while evidence of wind damage is ... development before black layer and lying on the ground is most vulnerable to infection because the husk is not ... fully mature." Paul said that a number of growers were expressing concerns about the development of ...

  6. East African Pastoralism Under Stress: Threats to Livestock, Land, and Way of Life

    development and social change among the nomadic Ariaal pastoralists of northern Kenya, including a three-year ...

  7. Unusual Weather Yields Variable Berry Production

    important months for plant development and fruit size for the following season. "Lack of adequate water ... surface means poor flower development, resulting in poor fruit size." Funt said a trickle irrigation ... Familial Adenomateous Polyposis (FAP), a rare genetic disease characterized by the development of polyps on ...

  8. Moldy Grain, Vomitoxin Contamination Putting a Damper on Record Ohio Corn Yields

    plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that producers ... growth and ear rot development like they were in 2009, you are most likely going to run into mycotoxin ... An increase in mold development is a sure sign that storage temperatures and moisture are inadequate ...

  9. FST Professional Development Seminar Series- Dr. Greg Lesinski


  10. Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Wheat

    will not prevent the disease from developing. The residual effect of the insecticide may not last long ...
