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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 14

    Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State ...

  2. Manure Spreader Calibration

    analysis, current soil test levels and crop nutrient removal rates, topics for another column.  For more ...

  3. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    96 percent of infected salamanders. The fungus has been fatal, too, to U.S. salamanders in lab tests ...

  4. OARDC Receives NorTech Innovation Award for Bio-energy Initiative

    energy systems. “This will be one of the first systems to test and demonstrate at sizable scale the ... will allow businesses to test their feedstocks and calculate their potential energy yield. Interested ...

  5. Surveying the Landscape: Interdisciplinary Research Examines Connection Between Farming and Health of Maumee River Watershed

    impacts are likely to include increasingly strong storm events, which in turn will wash both sediments and ...

  6. Learn More about Rain Gardens at Farm Science Review

    21-23 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The event is sponsored by the Ohio State ...

  7. Power Farming: Ohio State Tests Bioenergy Crops for Fuel, Combustion

    beds. We are testing this method of growing guayule so that in the future farmers can produce this crop ...

  8. Improving Grape Quality with Precision Agriculture

    aid in better controlling for frost — an event that can damage grapes and impact yields. "The ...

  9. Get the Facts on Starting an Aquaculture Business at an Ohio Fish Farm Tour, July 16

    sponsor the event, which runs from 7:45 a.m. until 6 p.m. The cost is $20 per person. The Northeast Ohio ...

  10. Forage Production Strategies for Horses at Farm Science Review

    Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio ...
