CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CD Weekly Wire- October 28, 2013

    system.  If you have already registered for previous events using the system, it will prompt ... parties, particularly those manufacturers who might benefit from this program. Register for this event ...

  2. Dry Weather Can Pose A Feeding Risk for Livestock

    the plants show visible signs of moisture stress. Test the plants for toxicity levels before grazing. ... feed intake and conduct standard feed tests. Not all mycotoxins are regulated by the FDA." ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-09

    uncoated MAP (page 34). The soil test P level was 23 ppm ... week. However, in the event rains cause further planting delays or soils are slow to dry, the following ...

  4. CFAES Spring Job Shadow

    There is a job shadowing opportunity for students on March 23 from 9AM-4:30PM. RSVP on  Hireabuckeye  under 'Workshops' by March 16. Students will be exposed to numerous presentations about the organization and what our job duties entail. The pr ...

  5. 4-H Week Kick-Off Event


  6. Unusual Weather Yields Variable Berry Production

    cancer by 80 percent. Stoner plans to conduct the same tests in humans later this year. Preliminary ... toxicity tests have shown that the berries are not toxic to humans when consumed in large quantities, ...

  7. OARDC Honors Outstanding Employees; Dehority First to Mark 50 Years

    Night Oct. 5 in Wooster. The annual event, which traditionally features a barbecue dinner, celebrates ...

  8. Events


  9. Section II: Externally Funded Projects (Grants and Contracts)

    Office. In the event a sponsor does not allow 10%, the home unit is required to provide the 10% from other ... administered by OSURF or Extension Business Office (see exceptions). In the event a sponsor does not allow 10%, ...

  10. Wexner Medical Center and James Cancer Hospital Tour

    Undergraduate students: You’re Invited! Pharmacy Career Services has partnered with the Wexner Medical Center/James Cancer Hospital to provide a unique learning experience for BSPS & other undergraduate students to tour the facility and meet pharmacy ...
