CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Week featuring 4-H Kick-Off

    It's almost time for Guernsey County 4-H Week, February 23rd - March 1st!  Check out all the ... details and how you can get involved!  Our biggest event of the week is the 4-H Kick Off on February ...

  2. Livestock

    event and lunch are free of charge. Dates and speakers are as follows: Date Topic Speaker November 20, ...

  3. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...

  4. Soybean Management

    sclerotia, while  reduced tillage  is preferred for fields with a long history of the disease. It does appear ... once the pathogen is introduced in the field, it is able to survive in the soil for many years and its ... loss due to Sclerotinia stem rot depends on the number of infected plants in the field and how early in ...

  5. Student Spotlight: Gracie Sprague

    as your collegiate choice?   I chose The Ohio State University and CFAES Wooster because of its ... strong sense of community, its hands-on agricultural education, and the people who make it feel like ... you wish you had?: If I could have any superpower, I’d choose teleportation. It would be great to skip ...

  6. Office working Remotely 2/17/2025

    signed up for Quality Assurance it is at the Duke Lundgard Building at the Miami County Fairgrounds** ...

  7. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Brock Barbey

    renovated the interior of the Cesar Chavez Elementary school. This was a fulfilling project because it took ... an older school and made it into a beautiful space for the kids. My team also organized a bookbag and ... of this degree expecting to know everything. Humble yourself now and come into the workplace willing ...

  8. Taste of OSU FRIDAY

    Affairs will host Taste of OSU, an evening of cultural performances on stage, exhibits and food from ...

  9. How to safely store eggs and find alternatives amid rising prices

    Consumers can also check an egg’s freshness by placing it in a bowl of water. “Fresh eggs sink, while older ... Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and wildfires, are further complicating the issue. “The ... programs on biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of avian influenza. It also provides resources ...

  10. Agribusiness Club gains industry insights through field trip over winter break ...
