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Successful Co-Parenting Class
Successful Co-Parenting Class
Successful Co-Parenting Class
Successful Co-Parenting Class
CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education (CHAIRE) Kick-Off Event
Please join us for an evening of food and fun as we introduce you to the new CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education (CHAIRE). CHAIRE is a new center in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences committed to e ...
Flip It Good: (At Least) 3 Benefits of Pond Aeration
at the annual Farm Science Review trade show in London, Ohio. The event, which is sponsored by the ...
Forum to Focus on Emerging Bio-Based Technologies
The event targets individuals and companies interested in novel renewable (degradable) packaging ... of Packaging Professionals are also hosting the event. "Rising global demand for oil, increased ...
Introduction to Grant Writing
Speaker Jeff Agnoli will address some of the similarities and differences between the funding processes for federal/state agencies and private foundations. Topics include best practices for seeking funding, including the SPIN Funding Opportunities system ...
OSU Extension Launches New Forest Products Website
intention was to create a site to communicate research, information, news and events related to the forest ...