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Look to Research-Based Data for Usefulness of Ag Products or Practices
Ohio State University Extension or other relevant land-grant universities, before spending money or ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-10
development processes. Nielsen, R.L. 2008. Germination Events in Corn. Corny News Network, Purdue Univ. ... small emerged weeds through the following sequence of events: herbicide moves down into the soil and is ... likely event that “reachback” fails. Waiting too long just results in large weeds that are more difficult ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-13
half that of the original. The success of such an approach is even less likely late in the planting ... emergence success will be greater than normal. Consequently, you may choose to reduce your seeding rate ... accordingly. Instead of planting 33,300 seeds to achieve 30,000 plants (90% success rate), you may elect to ...
Creation Care Event
The Columbus Diocese is offering a day of reflection, inspiration, study, and sharing of resources to help Columbus area Catholic communities respond to Pope Francis’ environmental urgings in his recent encyclical, Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home. ...
Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1993-1999
"men" and have nationally recognized herds. There are several men who have successful sales management ...
Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1970-1979
NOBA, Inc. His contributions to Ohio's dairy industry are manyfold. Successful breeder, mgr, ...
Past Events
Farm Management Tips at Farm Science Review
Firebaugh Building on Friday Avenue throughout the event. In addition to the cash rents decision-making ...
Farm Financial Management Topics Highlighted at Farm Science Review
University Extension specialists throughout the three-day event in the Firebaugh Building, located on Friday ...