CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. LSAMP Program at Animal Sciences

    STEM Summer Bridge Program. "I explained the different areas of agriculture and its relavence of ...

  2. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    and the School of Environment and Natural Resources appreciate sponsorship of this event by the Ohio ...

  3. Community Development

    Leadership Fayette Brochure  and registration. Through this program you will learn what it takes ...

  4. Livestock Quality Assurance


  5. Rabbit Quality Assurance


  6. Quality Assurance #1


  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Manure, Write On! (for the Week of Jan. 27, 2008)

    won't try to do it just yet. My soup kettle's still in the dishwasher. The secret, as it turns out, ... fibers in it, too. And some people now make paper out of it. Nice, pretty, no-stink paper that uses what ... earth-tone elephant-dung paper! Doodily, Twig P.S. It's easier to get cellulose from manure than from ...

  8. 4-H Livestock, Horse, & Dog Project Interviews

    dress the same as your 'show dress'. For those showing multiple species it is not necessary to ...

  9. CFAES students make mark at Borlaug Global Food Security Institute

    approaches to global problem solving. It was convened and delivered by Purdue University’s Center for Global ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Great Big Squid Word (for the Week of March 4, 2007)

    I read about it in the newspaper. Some fishermen from New Zealand caught it. Scientists call it the ... colossal squid. Why? Because it's really, really, really big. You could say it's even colossal ... as a full-grown farm-raised Jersey cow. Moo! And it stretched almost 40 feet long, equal to four ...
