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Ohio AgrAbility 2016 Peer to Peer Conferences
conclude at 12:00 pm. Please RSVP with what conference and how many will be attending. Space is limited. To ...
Dynamic Teams
are vital to the success of the organization, it signifies that the employees are working towards ...
NEWS: New Greenhouse Program Launched
and nursery management major. This program is unique in its engineering approach to traditional ... advantages of modern greenhouse technologies. Using modern horticultural technology to its full potential ...
"The Ugly Summer of 2010"
" written by John Paul Newport. The article focuses on the intense heat and the effects it is having ...
Interested in Renewable Energy? Nov. 8 Workshop in Wooster Has It All
"Case Study: CNG (compressed natural gas) for Vehicles," Clemens Halene, vice president, quasar ... specialist, OSU Extension. "Case Study: Wind for Power," Greg Courtney, Wind Turbines of Ohio. ... Sustainable Energy Network; Fred Michel, biosystems engineer, OARDC. "Case Study: Solar for Power," ...
4-H Counting on Alumni to Raise Their Hands in National Contest
program, by reciting the 4-H pledge for a social media effort. As part of its “Raise Your Hand” campaign, ...
NEW Fact Sheet: Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample
Many times we get questions on how to properly send a turfgrass sample to the clinic and what the ...
Insect and Disease Field Night- Andover, Ohio
OSU entomology and pathology state specialists will provide hands-on training in scouting for diseases and insects in corn and soybean. ...
Better Process Control School Acidified Foods
to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event of a low attendee ...
Take an IPM Approach to Strawberry Production. Learn How with an OSU Extension Training Program Nov. 14
corner of Kenny Rd. and Lane Avenue. The program will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost of the event is ...