CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Quality Assurance


  2. Leasing Land for Energy Development

    Farm Science Review, London, Ohio Gwynne Conservation Area Eric Romich, Field Specialist for ...

  3. Get a Jump on Insects and Diseases with Diagnostic Workshop

    Extension's Green Industry Center in Bowling Green, Ohio. The daylong event will feature the expertise of OSU ... Gardeners and Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association members attending the event. Registration is $30, ...

  4. Count Your Coin Week

    a participating financial institution to deposit it in a new or existing SAVINGS account. Sign up to be a Hancock ... SAVINGS TIP... Set a goal of what you want to save for! It all starts when you set a goal and make a plan ...

  5. Events


  6. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Virginia State University

    of innovation as provided in online survey: It will be imperative to begin to determine alternate ... community center via vertical farming techniques. We believe it can be a successful and sustainable method ...

  7. Soybean Researchers Publish Paper

    biotic stressin soybeans. Check it out here: ...

  8. Past Events


  9. World Wide Sires, Ltd. Summer 2017 Internship

    all areas of the world except the Americas, is seeking a motivated college student for its intemship ...

  10. SENR Extension Forestry Director: Fighting Ohio's Invasive Species

    Week, March 3-8, sponsored by the National Invasive Species Council, works to educate individuals on how ... invasive species arrive, how they spread, and the harm they cause to our environment. Read more about this ...
