CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Meet Your New Forage Extension State Specialist – Dr. Emma Matcham

    of Florida. Emma is also a Certified Crop Adviser.  Emma is looking forward to meeting forage ... field trials to help address the needs of Ohio farmers. We are very excited to have Emma as part of our ...

  2. 2024 Annual Publications: Miscellaneous

    Hatfield, J., Wacha, K., Lal, R., Arenas, A., Birge, H., Schnitkey, G., “Soil Health and the Hydrologic ... :// Franzluebbers, A. 2024.  Soil ... Franzluebbers, A. 2024.  Cattle and Carbon: Introduction and Basics  (Magazine Article). The ...

  3. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    1984, focuses on studying how living organisms and physical systems respond to changes in gravity. It ... explore the possibility of using lunar soil, known as regolith, for growing crops. By testing how water ... researchers, it has allowed me to gain new perspectives on how my research is perceived and how others may find ...

  4. Backyard Poultry Certificate Course Now Available

    basic husbandry, nutrition, and housing to successfully raise backyard poultry.  Explain how eggs are ... produced Practice safe handling of birds and eggs Recognize health-related abnormalities of poultry through ... physical examination Describe the roles of of veterinary care and biosecurity in maximizing poultry health ...

  5. Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game

    to serve, boil canned meat and poultry for 10 minutes before tasting, even if it looks and smells all ... depends on how the  meat is handled following slaughter. Contact your county Ohio State University ... fat before canning. Any fat left on the meat may affect sealing. Meat, poultry, and game are low-acid ...

  6. South Centers Announces Ohio Berry Production Series – Feb. 20

    South Centers is offering its Ohio Berry Production Series in a virtual format on Feb. 20. (9:30 ... techniques to maximize berry production and quality. More information is available here. ...

  7. Introduction to Neurodivergence Webinar

    participants will be able to:   Describe what neurodivergence is and why it exists. Recognize the diversity ... Assistance Program and Behavioral Health for The Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center. Her ... as workplace wellbeing. Beyond her role at the OSU her contributions and impact to the field of ...

  8. Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar Series- Prescribed Fire

    forests, presented by Jim Downs, OSU Extension Forestry Field Specialist, and Dr. Andy Londo, professor and ...

  9. State Camping Opportunities

     through activities held in, on, and around the water. Ages 14-17. July 14-18, 2025.  ...

  10. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    gooseberry-producing countries. It may not be realistic for Ohio’s growers to expect an instant market. However, it is ... for gooseberries. This is an underestimate of the current production of Ribes that does not account ... for Amish and Mennonite acreage. With increased consumer awareness of the health benefits and ...
