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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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    Updates by OARDC-funded scientists on their multi-year organic soil management project; oat, corn and red clover variety trials; cover crop studies; and more. ...

  2. Organic Crop Research Tour

    Updates by OARDC-funded scientists on their multi-year organic soil management project; oat, corn and red clover variety trials; cover crop studies; and more. ...

  3. Quadrathlon Results

    Congratulations to Amanda O’Connor, Abby Ratcliff, Allie Schroeder, and Zach Yaufman for winning the OSU Animal Science Quadrathlon this past week.  They will represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings over spring brea ...

  4. Horticulture Engineering Technology Education Modules now available

    A total of 62 learning modules on topics within controlled environment plant production have been created.  These modules can be divided into ten general categories based on topic.  Categories and the number of modules within each category are listed in t ...

  5. Strength of Wheat Crop Being Questioned

    works at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. "The ... row and how many tillers are present on each plant. Researchers estimate that 10-13 plants per row in ...

  6. Stressed Crops Tapping Hidden Soil Moisture, But Rain Still Needed

    long-term impact on yields," said Thomison, who also holds a research appointment with the Ohio ... Agricultural Research and Development Center. "Yield losses to moisture stress are directly related to the ...

  7. Buckeye Wellness Innovator Orientation

    When: January 12, 2016 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm Where: Ohio Union We are looking for additional faculty and staff who have an interest in promoting health and wellness activities and initiatives to their colleagues. Please read the role description to see if this ...

  8. Need to Replant? Go With Soybeans Rather Than Corn

    appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "The exception to late-planted ... acreage like we had last year," said Beuerlein, who also holds an Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  9. Heat Stress Costs U.S. Livestock Producers Billions

    increased mortality, all of which lead to a decrease in production. Researchers combined the heat stress ... chicken layers, chicken broilers and turkeys. In addition, researchers incorporated the THI chart with ...

  10. Choose Fields Wisely If Switching to Soybeans

    Extension plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said fields with ... stage," said Dorrance. Researchers have found that when a susceptible soybean variety is planted in ...
