CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. AMSA Foundation establishes mentorship in the name of Dr. Vern Cahill

    international research, and AMSA (past Director, 1976-78; RMC Chair, 1958 &1978; and multiple Award winner: ...

  2. AEDE Students and Professor Emeritus Recognized at 64th Annual CFAES Celebration of Students Event


  3. Estimating Manure Phosphorus Excretion by Dairy Cows

    (average was 0.38% of dietary DM). To meet the NRC (National Research Council, Nutrient Requirement of ...

  4. Quality Assurance- Beginner's Only Session!

    participants so call early (419-281-8242) to get your first choice of dates.  Do not delay- classes may close ...

  5. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    want.  But be aware, hellebores self seed; unless all your plants are the same color the resulting ... coming.  Plant a few in your shade garden, as long as the soil is well drained, and you should have plants ...

  6. Making Your Woods Work For You

    A workshop has been scheduled for woodland landowners in Ironton on April 25th, 2017 from 6:30- 9:00pm at Ohio University Southern. To register, visit Workshop Registration       ...

  7. Scholarships

    producer Arthur J. Hoffmann, this scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior researching a greenhouse ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-37

    problems determining if it is one that leads to mycotoxin contamination, contact your county extension ... how widespread it is in your field. Examine between 50 and 100 ears at multiple locations spread out ...

  9. Chloride

    constituent SMCL SMCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS RECOMMENDED Chloride levels were detected in your water sample to ... in your water sample but do not exceed the secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL). 10-60 Erosion ...

  10. Market View

    to the dairy website by selecting "Programs and Research / Ohio Dairy Web".  The new AEDE ...
