CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Workshops

    Quality Workshops organized in the past and to serve as an online proceeding of the workshop presentations ...

  2. UPDATED: Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment to Farm Science Review

    working in the McCormick Building giving presentations about human ecology and sharing information with ... the event. Sommers is not only one of the regular FSR attendees, but has also been a part of the show. ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- October 29, 2012

    The award will be presented at the OSU Extension Annual Conference on December 5. Click here for the ... 12 pm to 1 pm Suzanne Fisher-Edwards and Andrea Salimbene will present a webinar on the water-related ... presented by Teresa Myers, postdoctoral researcher at George Mason University and graduate of Ohio State. ...

  4. Heavy Rainfall Causes Forage, Pasture Challenges The wet weather also has prevented new seedings of alfalfa and orchardgrass. "There's ...

  5. Chow Line: Tips for whole grains, lean protein, dairy (for 7/3/11)

    veggie burgers or other soy products; nuts and seeds. Americans tend to eat more protein than necessary. ...

  6. Announcing a New On-line Resource for Farm Safety & Health

    serve many groups with valuable articles on safety topics, calendars of safety related events, and an ... health topics, and a calendar of farm safety events. "Our goal is to become a one stop clearinghouse ...

  7. A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Hydraulic Fracking Policy

    Cincinnati. Her presentation will be  A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Hydraulic Fracking Policy  in 103 ...

  8. EEDS Faculty Advising Forum

    Students: this is an opportunity to connect with multiple faculty from your field, all in the same ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Kansas State University

    recognize that what they were really after was truly a family event- the family values. So that was a new ...

  10. Tsetse team: Pitching in to crack genetic code of deadly fly

    former graduate students or postdoctoral researchers in Denlinger’s lab. Sleeping sickness occurs only in ...
