CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Secrest Arboretum to Celebrate National Pollinator Week June 22

    parasites and Colony Collapse Disorder. “Well use the event to discuss the current status of pollinators, ...

  2. CFFPI

    programming. We work to spread local seeds of invention. Further, the center worked at the state and federal ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-18

    events around flowering in Ohio were generally light and scattered, with cool temperatures, which ... populations. Many fields have been treated with a seed insecticide such as Cruiser, which might alter numbers. ... slightly below normal since north of I-70 usually experience “normal” rain events around an inch. However, ...

  4. Ohio State University earns a spot on Peace Corps’ 2016 Top Schools List

    drop in during office hours in Room 160 Bevis Hall, or attend an event this semester. Currently, 238 ...

  5. Dept Event

    Room 100 (Wooster) Tuesday, September 26, 2017- 11:15am to 1:30pm ...

  6. Dept Event

    245 Tuesday, September 26, 2017- 10:00am to 1:30pm ...

  7. Dept Event

    219 Tuesday, September 26, 2017- 10:00am to 1:30pm ...

  8. New Undergraduate Program in Sustainability Surpasses Enrollment Expectations

    to the Quasar Energy Plant (top).  EEDS students and faculty at the program’s orientation in ...

  9. OSU Extension Helping Ohio Schools Better Manage Pests

    Agriculture. "It's all about making the schools safer for youth, faculty, staff by following IPM ...

  10. Silage Pile Management and Safety

    or pile alone.  Suffocation is a major concern in the event of a silage avalanche and the minutes ...
