CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Young Professionals Night THURSDAY

    a professional event, meaning you need to be dressed in a dress that would be considered professional for your ... happy to help you with a getup for this event. Don’t miss out! Scan the QR code to register! ...

  2. Integrating Farmer Needs into Childcare Solutions Workshop – Feb. 6

    Join Shoshanah Inwood for an interactive workshop that focuses on including farmer needs in ... solutions for childcare. The virtual workshop will be held Feb. 6 (11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.), and registration is ...

  3. East Ohio Women in Ag Conference

    beyond through its East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference. The event will take place on March 21, ...

  4. Moo-ving Methane: Converting Ohio’s dairy farm manure into an energy source.

    production of manure 2. While both methane-producing processes can impact our climate, some studies show that ... the impact of methane released from cow manure might be underestimated 3. On the other hand, as the ... greenhouse gas emissions 4, there is an opportunity to leverage the bioenergy potential of manure to ...

  5. North American Manure Expo

    The North American Manure Expo returns to Ohio in 2025! Join us July 30-31 at the Fulton County ... demonstrations, education sessions and ample networking at the premier outdoor event dedicated to nutrient ... management. Don’t miss out! Join us next July in Ohio to experience the latest in manure innovation, ...

  6. Understanding and Addressing Burnout in Academia [WEBINAR]

      ACCESSIBILITY: We strive to make all events accessible to everyone. All virtual programs are presented with ...

  7. Demystifying Research: What is Digital Humanities? (Virtual Event)

    method(s) may be useful for your research? In this workshop, Leigh Bonds will provide a general overview of ... workshops that provide an overview of research concepts, such as organizing your notes, creating a citation ... others. Sign up for one or sign up for several.  Looking for more events in the Demystifying Research ...

  8. Demystifying Research: Research and Citation Management Made Simple (Hybrid event)

    workshop, we’ll share practical strategies for developing an efficient filing system and for managing ... stays tidy and accessible from start to finish. Registration is required.   Register Now This event is ... event start time.   About the Series:  Demystifying Research: Practices and Strategies for Graduate ...

  9. Making eXtreme Camp Counselors Workshop (MXC)

    about MXC here: ...

  10. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Ashley Vetter

    cousins’ 4-H events. With the help of her mom, Vetter completed sewing projects every year, but she also ...
