CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Open Hosue

    The College of Veterinary Medicine is hosting their annual Open House on  Sunday, September 13 from 12-5pm. There will be information booths featuring student groups and community organizations, an exotic animal display, demonstrations and seminars discus ...

  2. AFA Leaders Conference

    Do you feel that you are a leader or possess exceptional leadership skills? Are you searching to strengthen your soft skills and industry knowledge or network? AFA Leaders Conference is a high intensity and highly passionate atmosphere over a four day con ...

  3. Iraq/Korean Conflicts May Have Different Impacts on Agriculture

    increased use of alternative fuels like ethanol and biodiesel, crop byproducts. “In the short run, this is ...

  4. Welcome Week!

    Finding yourself with nothing to do during the first week of the semester? Nonsense! Welcome Week is one of the most exciting and fun-filled weeks of the year! It's a great time to get out, meet new people and maybe even join a club or two! Here are ...

  5. More Lab Alumni

    Bioengineering.  Her summer internship involves optimizing the protocol used to isolate Bacillus, specifically B. ...

  6. Events


  7. Past Events


  8. Seed Vigor Test Refined to Measure Additional Plant Varieties

    orders to fit specific customer requirements. "Its uses are endless," said McDonald. "And ...

  9. Community Recycling Event

    Recycle your plastic flower trays and pots and your non-food grade Styrofoam Packing Material. ...

  10. Events

