CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-37

    has a level of error associated with it even something as simple as using a tape measure to determine ...

  2. Third Frontier Assists Appalachia Ohio Businesses Through TechGrowth Ohio

    addition, the funding must be used to take a new technology to market. "Many of these individual ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Send in the Clown Loaches (for the Week of Aug. 31, 2008)

    eyes. Scientists call these suboccular spines. The spines, used for defense, aren't venomous. Other ...

  4. Selecting the Right Corn Hybrids Important

    their particular production environment. "Using relative maturity, growing-degree-day ratings, ...

  5. Producers Can Add Yellow Vine to the Long List of Pumpkin Diseases

    rotating in non-cucurbit crops or promoting the crop's early growth, using biological controls such as ...

  6. Ohio State Offers Bioterrorism Course

    national security will find this course especially useful." To that end, Curtis stated that the course ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Nurdle Beach (for the Week of May 24, 2009)

    accidentally spilled nurdles — plastic pellets used to make plastic things (doll heads, P-51 models, the ...

  8. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: The Part of the Pig (for the Week of June 21, 2009)

    big barrel. Pork shoulders used to be packed in them.-- Notes: All this gets into meat-cutting terms. ...

  9. Low Risk of Stewart's Disease on Corn Predicted

    temperatures have been used to predict the risk of Stewart's disease because higher populations of the ...

  10. Humane Society Recognizes Animal Sciences Course

    Issues Concerning the Use of Animals by Humans," taught in the Department of Animal Sciences on Ohio ...
