CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Seed Selection Key to Managing Soybean Disease, Achieving High Yields

    the companies test their varieties," Dorrance said. "Using greenhouse trials, the companies ...

  2. 2012 Archived News

    advisor. > News release Wheat Growers Need to Prepare For Foliar Fungicide Application As Wheat Growth ...

  3. Chow Line: First, focus on health, not weight (5/4/12)

    options. When you use fat, reach for oil instead of margarine or other solid fats. Get regular physical ...

  4. Chow Line: Don't let vacation go to waist (5/18/12)

    fingers. And be sure to pack some hand sanitizer to use before eating the foods you do eat with your ...

  5. Wheat Growers Watching Weather in Ohio as Crops Are Ahead Two Weeks and Could Result in Strong Yields or Diseased Fields

    second leaf down and you have a susceptible variety, then you want to use a fungicide,” Paul said. “If ...

  6. OSU Sustainable Ag Tour offers up-close look at alternative production systems

    at the Green Thumb Farm Market, which uses high tunnels to grow tomatoes, peppers and squash. The ...

  7. Hot, Dry Weather Could Make it Harder for Growers to Control Weeds

    you wait to spray and then are forced to use a more aggressive herbicide mix, it can increase the ...

  8. Records Management

    be maintained and its disposition. A record series is a group of related records filed and/or used ...

  9. AWBC on the Oval

    Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is having a fundraiser on the oval from 12-4 on Tuesday, April 25th and they will be selling homemade dog treats and toys for $2 each or $3 for both!   ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-40

    Quality Lab using a Tecator Infratec whole grain analyzer calibrated with the Composition Systems ... Phytophthora resistance genes were determined using a hypocotyl inoculation test. In this test, several races ... of Phytophthora are used to determine the presence or absence of a particular Rps gene. The Rps genes ...
