CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Fall Gardening

    a layer of organic matter (or use 7 pages of non-colored newspaper) and cover with mulch.  In the spring ...

  2. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    daily.  I plant mine in 14-inch clay pots because these geraniums grow large. I use fresh potting soil ...

  3. Performance Management & Coaching

    information and resources to use for performance reviews; and (4) have an opportunity to ask questions and ...

  4. Phosphates as Meat Emulsion Stabilizers

    eumlsifying), a stable emulsion will be prepared which will hold up well during the cooking process in ... use in meat products, by USDA-FSIS, appear in Table 1. While phosphates also affect the pH of meat, ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-35

    that Ignite could be used prior to wheat emergence for burndown of emerged weeds.  We forgot to review ...

  6. Past Events


  7. How Did You Spend Your Summer? Two Buckeyes Learned from NASA Scientists

    the food industry. "Designing food for retail or consumer use is one thing, but designing food ... and Information System. The system uses a coordinated system of sensors to enhance spatial orientation ...

  8. Three Receive Research Awards at April 23 OARDC Annual Conference

    honored for his research on biological control using nematodes, tiny worms that often are parasites of ... England, Portugal and the Netherlands on using integrated laboratory soil microcosms for predicting the ...

  9. EPN Event Archive


  10. The Chances for Timely Planting Diminish

    to help Ohio and Indiana growers make decisions as to which hybrids to use in delayed planting ... be safe to use with planting delays through the second week of June." Purdue University's ... (C.O.R.N.) newsletter at Thomison said that while the publication may be useful for ...
