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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Learn Your Bugs: Beneficial Insects Can Help Control Garden Pests

    pests other than using insecticides may have to look no farther than their own backyard. Predacious ... Bloetscher said there is a move toward organic gardening. "People don't want to use ...

  2. Wide Variety of Lettuces Can Be Grown in Ohio

    nutritional value and that serve a range of uses." Over the past two years, OSU researchers have studied ... Ohio. We look at this research as potentially useful to growers, produce buyers, consumers and ...

  3. Herbicide Varieties Effectively Control Winter Annual Weeds

    part to shifts in herbicide use. The issue here is how can we better manage these weeds?" Common ... just may be a better strategy for the same money to use a fall herbicide that has good residual that ...

  4. Soybean Rust or No, Don't Alter Management Practices

    disease's arrival. However, little seed is available for these varieties for growers to use. Planting ... are available for use in Ohio," said Beuerlein. "And a production practice that aids in ...

  5. Researchers Looking for Flood-Tolerant Soybeans

    collaborating with VanToai to identify the genes of flood-tolerance and Phytophthora resistance that can be used ... for a wide variety of uses-- from grain to food to renewable energy production. Candace Pollock Tara ...

  6. Researchers Measure Long-Term Impact of Compaction

    using pigeon peas, a type of taproot plant, showed compaction was eliminated within two years. • Leaving ... crop residue in the field. The residue acts as a buffer to dissipate any wheeled traffic. • Using ...

  7. OSU Extension Workshop to Explore Bioenergy Opportunities in Southern Ohio

    what they can do with already existing resources-- using the wood waste from timber production as ... Another effort being explored is using marginal farmland (land not entirely suited for crop production) ...

  8. Cloverbud Program

    supportive, and fun.     Teach activities from the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Curriculum.     Use cooperative learning ...

  9. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    include information for the beginning sheep farmer, cool season pasture species, use of minerals, fencing ...

  10. Fall Gardening

    a layer of organic matter (or use 7 pages of non-colored newspaper) and cover with mulch.  In the spring ...
