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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Research from Alessandra Faggian Examines Job Market Success of Creative Class Graduates in the UK

    the goal of providing further analysis in the field, the researchers used higher education student ...

  2. Ohio State Scientist to Speak at Midwest Birding Symposium

    or Canada at 2 p.m. on Sept. 19. She„¢ll use the declining cerulean warbler  named for the males ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Pygmy goats (for the week of Oct. 7, 2001)

    at the withers (the point between the shoulder blades). Pygmy goats used to be called Cameroon dwarf ...

  4. Urban Coyotes Never Stray: New Study Finds 100 Percent Monogamy

    often to the completion of their lives. It’s a nice mesh of lab and field work.” The scientists used ... University of Cincinnati, used genetic techniques in the lab to test the animals’ DNA and determine their ...

  5. New Center Links Cooperative Enterprise and Ohio State

    Connection.” Cooperatives are owned and governed by their members. Those same members also use the co-ops’ ...

  6. Nematodes Effective Against Grape Pest

    grower use as early as next year. Nematodes are microscopic worms found abundantly in the soil that are ... entomopathogenic nematodes comes in handy, said Grewal. "Nematodes are already used in some food production, ... Grapes provide the next potentially big opportunity for the use of nematodes. They can replace systemic ...

  7. Take Steps to Control Ornamental Plant Diseases

    using sprinkle irrigation to water the plants, as the wet condition leads to the spread of the disease. ... "Try to just water the base or use trickle irrigation instead," he said. "Also, if you do use ...

  8. As Wheat Flowers, Risk for Head Scab Spreads Across Ohio

    beginning of this week, the risk of scab is moderate for most of the state. "The tool uses weather ... In addition to using the Fusarium Head Blight Risk Assessment Tool to evaluate the risk of head scab, ... the service provides best management practices for scab using fungicides (timing and application ...

  9. Wheat Seed Quality Questionable

    arise from using poor quality seed and using poor quality seed can be reflected in the yield of the ...

  10. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Territorial Response in Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)

    overlap. I used a play-back experiment to determine if Carolina chickadees perceive black-capped chickadees ...
