CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Keeping Your Poinsettias Happy

    window, use sheer curtains to filter the sun’s rays. Also, avoid placing your plant in drafty locations, ...

  2. AEDE at the 2013 Farm Science Review

    and research arms, respectively, of the College. The three day event attracts more than 130,000 ... the Authorities" sessions held continuously over the three day event. The sessions, which ...

  3. TWEL Marne Titchenell Thesis

    by the use of mistnets in the summer of June 2006 through August 2006 in harvested and unharvested ... pipistrelles were not sensitive to volume of obstruction at any level.   Use of additional forest ...

  4. Strengthening Families over Dinner

    families, the less likely they were to smoke, drink or use drugs.  Why?  Eating dinner together has ... night.  But with some planning, you can outwit common family mealtime obstacles and use dinner as a forum ... use “I” messages. “May I be excused?”  Clearly defines the end of the meal.  Relax, and enjoy the meal ...

  5. Know Soil Nutrient Needs for Best Continuous Corn Management

    nitrogen use – generally 40 pounds more than in a corn/soybean rotation – and the higher costs that come ... with using commercial fertilizer," said Mullen. "Growers are looking for ways to not invest ... potassium, you don't need to add more. Then that money can be used toward the investment of more ...

  6. Proper Proline Management Needed for Effective Results

    the right time using the correct application technology." To get the most out of Proline ... efficiently and economically, Paul offers the following management recommendations: • Use the Wheat Fusarium ... that the flowering period has passed. • Use the right application technology. One such technology is ...

  7. Preventing Hearing Loss

    equipment being used, as well as the person’s exposure to the noise. Here are several steps to control noise ... the work environment so protection is used when it is needed. Waiting too long to put a noise ...

  8. Bee Pollinator Project at the Monarch Waystation

    and local volunteers.  The feedback includes what plants are being used by the pollinators. "We ...

  9. Ohio Fish & Shrimp Festival

    A free event, the festival coincides with the fall harvest of Ohio-raised fish and giant freshwater ...

  10. New Faculty Member Joins the School

    collective action problems in the use of common-pool resources and how groups form, evolve and achieve ...
