CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Events and Outreach

    This free event provides the opportunity to meet students, staff and faculty at tables promoting their ...

  2. Noble Community Development to Host One-Day Grant Writing Course

    mission and structure; components of a grant proposal; finding and connecting with funders; and ... a complimentary proposal review. Lunch will be on your own; dress comfortably. The program will be led by ...

  3. Student Recognition Banquet is April 8

    student selected by the director. This individual will have the honor of preparing and presenting ...

  4. Livestock

    event and lunch are free of charge. Dates and speakers are as follows: Date Topic Speaker November 20, ...

  5. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...

  6. We are Beyond Ready for Ohio 4-H Week!

    leadership opportunity, 4-H helps prepare youth to be Beyond Ready for work and life. Data from a Tufts ...

  7. Congratulations Joel Borcherding

    focused on the " Identification of Compounds that Impact Pungency Perception in Chili Peppers Using ...

  8. Mercer County Agriculture Statistics

    a Census of Agriculture every five years, which looks at land use and ownership, producer characteristics, ...

  9. Conservation top of mind for Ohio Bat Working Group

    its kind Bat Blitz in Ohio in 2022- a two-day event, attended by 130 people with 3 primary goals: 1) ... and extension events that take place during the blitz. The blitz was hosted by The Nature Conservancy, ... University Extension. The event was such a success a second Ohio Bat Blitz was held in 2024.  Bat ...

  10. Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!

    prepare ourselves by studying general turfgrass science material including, turf, weed, disease, insect, ...
