CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Information Session: Costa Rica Study Abroad

    community where service learning will take place. Three tracks of service will be provided: animal health, ...

  2. 2015 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 16-20

    The 2015 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 16-20 at the Defiance County Emergency ... years. The brochure and registration can be downloaded from the Soil & Water section of the Agronomic ...

  3. Downy Mildew and Bacterial Pustule on Soybean

    Reports from other states and some parts of Ohio, Downy mildew may be at higher incidence.  I expect that ... bacterial pustule, with high humidity, spores would be present in the pustule, and the necrotic area around ... the pustule tends to be much smaller.  Again, for both of these pathogens, downy mildew and bacterial ...

  4. Ohio State Launches Endeavor Center

    new facility the best it can be for southern Ohio," said Tom Worley, interim director for OSU ... meetings for various sized training classes. Tailored programs are being developed for the needs of ... Board), Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative (SODI) ...

  5. Broadleaf Weeds, Frost Injury and Disease Highlights

    be renovated which may include filling in depressed areas and reseeding. The key item to remember in ... So areas that are being renovated and seeded should not receive many of the pre-emergence herbicides ... broadleaf weed control are being made. Several factors should be kept in mind. Avoid non-target plants. When ...

  6. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop

    A manager's role may be the most complicated and most important role in any ... expectations for team achievement, engage employees so they are motivated to be successful, and finally through ... coaching and workshops, develop each member to be an active participant on the team. This workshop will ...

  7. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    there be? Due to the prolonged snow cover this winter chances are high that there will be much more ... little can be done to undo the damage and the focus should be on recovery. To help determine the extent ... recovery. It would be recommended to photograph and document the process to demonstrate the potential ...

  8. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Food Trash and Climate Change, or Don't Flump Muffin Stumps in Dumps (for the Week of June 15, 2008)

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences — specifically, by the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center (OARDC) and Ohio State University Extension, the research and outreach arms, respectively, ...

  9. 4-H FCS and Still Project Judging

    Information on times and sign-up will be available at a later date. ...

  10. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference

    reactive phosphorus moves out of fields. “Farmers will be able to see how much dissolved reactive ...
