CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    throughout 2010, as well as provide production information during workshops and field days. A plethora of ...

  2. Quadrathlon Results

    Congratulations to Amanda O’Connor, Abby Ratcliff, Allie Schroeder, and Zach Yaufman for winning the OSU Animal Science Quadrathlon this past week.  They will represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings over spring brea ...

  3. Pollinators Workshop and Certification

    Are you Gardening (and Farming) for Pollinators? Everyone plays a vital role in the development and conservation of habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus on the practical steps gardeners and urba ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-27

    Corn Weather Report and Forecast Register Now for OEFFA Cover Crop Workshop Ohio No-Till Field Day, ... Probabilities Register Now for OEFFA Cover Crop Workshop Authors: Alan Sundermeier A free cover crop workshop on ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-20

    posted with the name and telephone number of the owner or responsible caretaker. (16) Apply pesticides ...

  6. Improving Heifer Development with New Livestock Program

    Development Program progresses. Such an expansion would also include educational workshops and on-farm ...

  7. Go Green, Go Buckeyes SENR Event


  8. Canning Workshop 7/18

    Pressure Canning Gauge Testing at 6:00 pm, $5.00 each ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- August 13, 2012

    program highlights, upcoming events, and relevant pictures too. Please send such items (for highlights, ... visit New Environmental Professionals Network ...

  10. OSU Vegetable Workshop Series

    Topic: Sweet Corn Evaluation, field walk and taste it for yourself.  See attached flyer for more information. RESCHEDULED TO 8/4/16 ...
