CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants

    a three-year, $500,000 award from a $5.4 million University of Maryland study on "Developing Scientifically ...

  2. Aug. 30 Webinar Focuses on Health Behavior Theory to Practice

    Gail Kaye, assistant professor, Health Behavior and Health Promotion; and Ann Weidenbenner, manager of ...

  3. OSU Extension's Community Nutrition Programs Reach Tens of Thousands

    choosing more low-fat foods. 84 percent improved in at least one "food resource management ... basic food and nutrition demonstrations at local health fairs, community events, food pantries, senior ... but how to manage limited resources," said Ana Claudia Zubieta, director of Ohio FNP. "That ...

  4. 2010

    Potential of induced resistance as a tool for the management of pathogens and insects in trees.  2010. New ... Rebollar-Alviter, A., Wilson, L.L., Madden, L.V., and Ellis, M.A.  2010.  A comparative evaluation of post ...

  5. Faculty Want to Get to Know You!

    Under the leadership of our new Department Chair, Dr. John Foltz, the faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences embarked on a Visioning for the Future exercise on February 27, with the aid of two OSU personnel serving a meeting facilitators. The purpos ...

  6. Chipotle Fundraiser

    Make dinner a selfless act by joining the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association for a fundraiser at Chipotle! Stop by the Chipotle at 1726 N High on Monday, March 26 from 5:00-9:00pm. Tell the cashier you're supporting the cause and 50% of your purchase ...

  7. Hog Industry Issues Addressed At Upcoming Conference

    information presented at the 2003 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference helpful in making a management ... decision. The event, sponsored by the Ohio State University Department of Agricultural, Environmental and ... a variety of events that have taken place this year- a reminder of the historic losses suffered during the ...

  8. Hot + Wet + Humid Weather = Disease

    phosphites are considered best if used as preventative turf health management materials. You can view the OSU ...

  9. Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare Club meeting will be March 21st at 5:30 in Enarson 238. We will be covering swine welfare issues and housing concerns. Brownies will be provided! ...

  10. Ohio State University Recruits Citizens to Count Lady Beetles

    sessions, which will begin in February 2010. These training sessions will be posted in advance on the ...
