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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Office Closed for a Team Building Event


  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-34

    Wheat Management Guidelines”, Lentz et al. C.O.R.N. 2013-30, Sept. 10-17, 2013).  Producers should be ... Control Guide-Bulletin 789) Debbie Brown (Shelby), Glen Arnold (Nutrient Management Field Specialist), ... Mike Gastier (Huron), Mark Badertscher (Hardin), Nathan Douridas (FSR Farm Manager), Steve Prochaska ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-25

    these diseases are managed with host resistance.  Scouting fields to see where these problems are will ... Kansas as well as Tennessee.  One management strategy for this, in addition to resistance, is planting ... low plant populations to see if this will be a viable management strategy for our conditions in Ohio. ...

  4. Liming Considerations

    require special management practices. Western Ohio has the greatest risk of elevating soil pH from ... Soil and Water Management Corn Fertility Soybean Fertility Wheat Fertility Corn Soybean Small ...

  5. Increased Corn Production Could Pose Grain Storage Problems

    but as temperatures begin to warm up, careful attention to management becomes important. "Warmer ... temperatures means an increasing amount of management to store it, maintain pest control and keep aeration and ... store grain, but the biggest costs in storage will not be management costs, they will be opportunity ...

  6. Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat

    to head to the fields to assess their crop in order to make timely management decisions. Pierce Paul, ... need to identify the growth stage because most of the critical management decisions with fungicide, ... have a bumper crop." For more information on wheat management in Ohio, log on to the OSU Extension ...

  7. Recently Published / Presented

    supplementation, creep-feeding and post-weaning diet on age at puberty in Nellore heifers. Marcos V. C. Ferraz ...

  8. Ohio State Helps Cabbage Industry Dish Out the Perfect Kraut

    the trials along with station manager Matt Hofelich. "The idea is to support local growers through ... encounter on their farms." According to Bruce Hanzel, plant manager at The Fremont Company  -- whose ...

  9. New Undergraduate Program in Sustainability Surpasses Enrollment Expectations

    management, environmental sociology, community and international development, ecological engineering and ... focused on sustainable economic development and the role of social change in environmental management ...

  10. Make Hay When the Sun Shines…What Sun?

    management steps that can reduce the field curing time once the hay is cut. First, adjust your mower to lay ...
