CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Botulism Prevention with Small Grain Baleage

    and oats have lower WSC content than corn or sorghum species so management practices become very ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-12

    disease management, the presence of lesions on the lower leaves often is used as an indication of the risk ... lesions on the flag leaf and the leaf below the flag leaf. For head scab management, however, fungicide ... management on wheat. Now, Caramba (metconazole) from BASF and Folicur (tebuconazole) from Bayer CropScience ...

  3. The Hire Big 10 Virtual Career Fair

    Looking for a job, internship, or co-op? Save valuable time and meet recruiters live online! Students and alumni are invited to interact via chat sessions and meet employers recruiting talent across all majors and degrees. The career fair will take place ...

  4. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    infrastructure. Featuring Brian Pallasch, Managing Director, Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, ...

  5. Hot + Wet + Humid Weather = Disease

    phosphites are considered best if used as preventative turf health management materials. You can view the OSU ...

  6. Wolf Creek Awareness and Resource Evaluation (WeCARE) Project

    management plan for the watershed through water testing and input from stakeholders concerning the quality of ... the watershed, to prepare a water quality inventory and management plan for the watershed. This plan ...

  7. Events

    Weekly seminars Horticulture and Crop Science seminar series Center for Applied Plant Science seminar series ...

  8. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    brainstorming event. Sponsored by Cornell's Dairy Markets and Policy group and by invitation only, ...

  9. Milk Pricing and Policy

    arena, the event to watch is the introduction of Federal legislation specifically aimed at stemming the ...

  10. Open House to Showcase Chadwick Arboretum

    24 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The free event is being sponsored by Ohio State's Department of ... event have the opportunity to attend hourly tours or stroll at their leisure while enjoying bluegrass ...
