CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Leadership Institute: First Session

    Leaders, managers, and administrators who want to increase their leadership capacity as well as their ... coaching and feedback skills. New managers and supervisors wanting to grow in their positions. Individuals ...

  2. Registered Vet Tech Posting

    Green Meadows Veterinary Hospital is offering a full time technician position in a 5 veterinarian practice. Evening and Saturday hours are required. Hospital hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8am to 7pm; Tuesday, Friday 8am to 6pm; and Saturday 8am to ...

  3. TWEL Stephen Matthews Dissertation

    how migration events influence arrival in breeding areas.   During May of 2004-2007, I caught 103 ...

  4. July

    connect the global community of conservation professionals and serve as a major networking event for ...

  5. Researchers Using Weather to Predit Potential Head Scab Outbreaks

    management practices." The head scab forecasting system was developed using 50 location-years of weather ... "One thing to remember is that the threat of scab is an annual event, but it's a disease to reckon ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-41

    risk management tool at their disposal if they act quickly. December 25, 2009 is the deadline to ... quality under good management. This is not a forgone conclusion this year, because in many cases producers ... state with the following events scheduled in January. If you would like to find out more about these ...

  7. Polar Ice Core Expert to Keynote Ohio State Green Fair in Wooster

    Scarlet, Gray, and Green Fair. The event takes place April 17 at the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  8. College Creates Annual Lecture Series in Honor of Retired OARDC Director Steve Slack

    Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at Colorado State University. This year’s OARDC Annual Research ...

  9. Recipient of Fellowship Gaining Real-World Research Experience

    research findings will be helpful to wildlife managers in the future as failure of the current containment ...

  10. Dairy Producers Should Consider ‘Precision’ Diets to Maximize Profits

    expert. “There are two things to manage: feed costs and milk prices,” said Extension Dairy Specialist ... management on the farm, and maybe a better nutritionist,” he said. “We can gain in butterfat and protein by ...
