CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Corn Rootworm Populations Spreading

    a preventive treatment for rootworm if corn is planted into those fields next spring. There are many management ... rootworm variant, crop rotation is the best management practice. "Crop rotation still does the job in ... sampled their fields for next season's management, then they should check with their Extension office ...

  2. B-W Greenway Community Land Trust

    open space for farming, recreation, habitat, and watershed management. The "B" in the B-W ...

  3. 2012 Honors Research Proposals

    "Effects of Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera Maackii) Management on Avian Diversity and Abundance" "In ...

  4. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    of a new growth event. Each number may be further divided by using decimals to further describe ...

  5. Ohio's Non-native Invasives

    Ohio is facing many natural resource management challenges due to the continued introduction of ...

  6. OSU Agribusiness Club Meeting

    Ward, Assistant Extension Professor and Leader, Production Business Management, will meet in the ...

  7. Prepare Now for Soybean Diseases

    SCN are effectively managed by knowing what's in your field and by choosing resistant ... means of managing Phytophthora," said Dorrance. Soybean cyst nematode follows closely behind ... appearance in late summer, affecting leaves and sometimes spreading to stems and pods. Growers can manage ...

  8. Ohio Farms Packing Company- QC Technician

    Manager and is responsible daily verification monitoring of our programs. This position is involved in all ...

  9. Associate or Professor Position in Water Social Science

    organizational, or governmental-level decisions related to water resource management and related social and ... related to water and agrecosystem management.  OSU has a number of long-standing and new initiatives on ...

  10. Workshop to Address Legal Risks for Livestock and Dairy Producers

    Management Education Center. However, space is limited and participants are encouraged to register through ...
