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Canner Testing Events
Dial gauges on pressure canners should be tested yearly for accuracy. Gauge style pressure canners can be tested free of charge on the following dates: Wednesday, June 15, 9am to 1pm Mt Hope Hardware Thursday, June 16, 9am to 1pm Lehman's Hardware, K ...
Farm Science Review Nutrient Management Field Day
Using New Genetic Techniques to Raise Bigger Yellow Perch
and Development Integration Program. "Our goal is to help farmers raise bigger fish. Bigger fish ... take three months. The Ohio Genetic Improvement of Farmed-Fish Traits (O'GIFT) Program and the ... Center. Under the O'GIFT Program, researchers are studying yellow perch lines from Ohio, North ...
New Dishware Sanitizers Prove More Effective at Killing Harmful Bacteria
office of Research Communications, COLUMBUS, Ohio- Ohio State University ...
Twenty Years of Success in Septic System Management
Since 1980, the amount of homes has doubled around Lake Panorama. Inspections of wastewater systems began in 1986. The malfunction rate is only 1%. ...
Water Augmentation Through Onsite Wastewater Management
In 1972, the Colorado legislature allowed for water augmentation plans. Augmentation plans can be used to maximize the use of water. The Crystal Lakes Development Company developed the first water augmentation plan. In 1974, water was limited for benefici ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-37
soil texture, topography, soil chemical properties, etc. b) Management differences Large source of ... differences. Historical management can have a large impact of soil productivity. c) Mistake in area estimate ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-24
Update Soybean Defoliators Warrior on Soybeans Wheat Stubble Management Reminder 2006 Ohio Wheat ... material can be used. Wheat Stubble Management Reminder Take advantage of weed control opportunities in ...
Earth & People- Lessons in Living Together, Columbus
Earth & People- Lessons in Living Together, Ohio Union Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom. Presented by Dr. M. Sanjayan. ...
1st Annual Meat Judging Coaches Clinic, Columbus
1st Annual Meat Judging Coaches Clinic, Coaching strategies for beef, lamb, and pork. ...