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It's 'Sink or Swim' Week for Ohio's Corn Growers
June 1, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Drier weather in the past few days has Ohio's farmers itching ...
OSUE Annual Conference- Pickaway County Office Closed
interact with faculty. Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting-edge research. ...
Chow Line: 'Smell test' not safe after power outage (for 7/14/11)
Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH, 43210-1044, or ...
OSU Climate Change Webinar
these potential impacts will help wildlife managers and nature enthusiasts alike to adapt to and ...
Markets Remain Tight As USDA Trims Corn, Soybean Production
August 11, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio – An already tight grain and oilseed market got even tighter ...
Considerations Before Interseeding Soybeans into Wheat this Spring
minimize the wheel trams through the field to allow all tires to follow the tractor. The Best Management ...
We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields
evaluate different strategies for their management if warranted. Corn Corn Disease ...
Bird Is the Word: Walk Is in Secrest on Aug. 13
Audubon Society will lead the program, which is a casual hike to see, hear and identify birds. Past walks ...
Wheat is starting to green up...
Coming Soon… With funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program (wheat check-off), we established ...
New undergraduate major in sustainability at Ohio State
( ). The EEDS major is a multi-disciplinary degree program in sustainability that provides ...