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State 4-H Awards Selections- Columbus
EVENT: OSU Extension Annual Conference
This three-day conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university collea ...
EVENT: OSUE Welcome Festival
OSUE Welcome Festival ...
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2014-15
Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program
decisions." Tail docking, or shortening the length of the tail, is common management practice in sheep, ...
New Opportunities for Tomato Growers With Grafting
tunnel users must squeeze every dime out of every square foot of semi-controlled space they manage ...
OSU Urban Farming Study: What's the Best Way to Turn a Parking Lot into a Garden?
Entomology. He heads the university's Ohio Integrated Pest Management Program. OARDC, OSU Extension and ...
Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters
of this work is to determine which management practices and varieties produce berries with the ...
Past Events
Ohio Fair Managers Conference- Junior Fair Day- Columbus