CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable

    a fungicide manual. The development of both materials is part of a multi-state project. OSU Extension, with ... event any of them show resistance to soybean rust. The first signs of the disease are the development of ...

  2. Warren Dick Event

    200 (Wooster) Luis Huezo Sanchez Wednesday, August 16, 2017- 5:00pm to 7:00pm ...

  3. Sponsors and Contributors

    Building Ohio State is organized by The Ohio State University Libraries and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in collaboration with the Ohio Society of American Foresters, the Ohio Forestry Association, the Ohio Tree Farm Commi ...

  4. CD Wire- September 17, 2012

    participants should be prepared to discuss at least one of their summaries during the two-day event, as well as ... registration information for the October 23 rd  ARC meeting Schedule of educational programs and events for ... events Additional updates for the ARC community ...

  5. Use of Precision Ag Technology Continues to Grow

    Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference in Ada, Ohio. The event will be held Feb. 22-23 at the MacIntosh ... Center at Ohio Northern University. The event is designed to educate growers, crop advisers, consultants ...

  6. Use of Phosphates in Sausage

                            *FOB Production Point Truckload Quantities ...

  7. Getting Started in Hops Production Workshop is Feb. 4

    State University South Centers at Piketon. The event will feature horticulture experts with Ohio State ...

  8. CFAES Staff Appreciation Event

    Free lunch for the first 190 attendees!  Includes: sandwich/wrap, fruit, dessert, and water Kottman Hall Lobby. Hosted by the CFAES Staff Advisory Council ...

  9. ASU Donation Drive

    The ladies of Alpha Sigma Upsilon are hosting a donation drive during the month of March for a local women’s shelter organization, YWCA. They are in need of personal hygiene items, infant care items, new clothes of all sizes, cleaning supplies, and any ot ...

  10. Maps

    As a byproduct of the Exurban Change Project Ohio maps at varying geographic scales are available. ...
