CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Pelletized Lime in Production Systems

    two tons (one ton = 2000 pounds), a lime source with an ENP of 1000 pounds would require an ... only provides an effective neutralizing ability of 1000 pounds. If the lime source had an ENP of 1500 ... pounds, it would require an application of 2.7 tons to fulfill the requirement of two ton recommendation ...

  2. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    Feekes 10.5.1, an application made at this time will help to control both scab and stripe rust.  4. If ... Disease Small Grain Production ...

  3. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 1

    a similar format used in the past as each session will be broadcast locally via an internet link at ... a variety of locations around state. If interested in attending, contact an Ohio State University Extension ... February 10, 2015 session will examine a pair of subjects that will impact the direction of beef production ...

  4. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 2

    a similar format used in the past as each session will be broadcast locally via an internet link at ... a variety of locations around state. If interested in attending, contact an Ohio State University Extension ... February 10, 2015 session will examine a pair of subjects that will impact the direction of beef production ...

  5. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 3

    a similar format used in the past as each session will be broadcast locally via an internet link at ... a variety of locations around state. If interested in attending, contact an Ohio State University Extension ... February 10, 2015 session will examine a pair of subjects that will impact the direction of beef production ...

  6. AWBC Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting will be February 14th at 5:30 pm in Enarson 238. Dr. Boyles will be speaking about disaster management in livestock. Valentine's Day themed treats will be provided. Hope to see you there! ...

  7. Fellows

    Training in Sustainable Sciences through an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Rural Sociology ... from The Ohio State University with a Graduate Minor in Rural Sociology and spent the last year as an ... an AmeriCorps*VISTA Volunteer with the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team. This organization is ...

  8. Fun and Food Safe Picnics

    Separate, Cook, & Chill. • Pack foods that should be kept cold in an insulated cooler with plenty of ice ... Wrap them securely and place in an insulated container until it is time to serve. • Often leftovers ... reuse a plate that has held raw meats for the cooked product. Always use a clean plate so that you don’t ...

  9. Graduate Exit Seminar

    networks around local food production and consumption. This thesis explored that potential of civic ...

  10. Cran-Apple Crisps- Ocean Spray Student Product Development Competition

