CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. ASU Donation Drive

    The ladies of Alpha Sigma Upsilon are hosting a donation drive during the month of March for a local women’s shelter organization, YWCA. They are in need of personal hygiene items, infant care items, new clothes of all sizes, cleaning supplies, and any ot ...

  2. OBIC Bioproducts Network Webinar Event: "Algae Feedstocks- Technology and Markets)"

    Feautring: Dr. Stephanie Smith, Beagle Bioproducts Mark Randall, T2e Energy Watch the webinar (Recorded webinar starting on slide 5). ...

  3. Ohio Maple Days on Tap Jan. 26-28: Deadline Soon for Early-bird Discount

    at each location, offer educational sessions on maple production. They’re timed to help producers get ...

  4. Proper Nutrition Vital for Livestock in Late Gestation

    calf needs to gain an average of about 0.9 pounds per day. This is when the majority of fetal growth ... To subscribe to the free weekly newsletter, send an email to editor Stan Smith at ... have long-term impacts on a calf's health and productivity. During the last trimester, the fetal ...

  5. Farm Science Review Seeking Stories from First 50 Years

    all over the country and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 product lines from 600 ...

  6. Kinder selected as AAAS Fellow

    an administrator in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  Ohio State ATI, ... began his career with Ohio State in 1975 as an assistant professor in the Department of Animal Science. ... State to a highly productive, visible and respected unit on campus, in the state, nationally and ...

  7. Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts

    to evaluate if that portion of the river channel at an individual node supported streamflow for ... dry patches. Piecing data from all of those nodes together, the researchers established an index of ... Jaeger, who also holds an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. “During ...

  8. Past Events

    Dr. Linda Saif wins Wolf Prize in Agriculture OARDC scientist Linda Saif   received the 2015 Wolf Prize in Agriculture for her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health.   ...

  9. Next OARDC Fruit, Vegetable Polyculture Tour Is June 24 and, and an “Our Ohio” (Ohio Farm ... States Integrated Pest Management Program. “Well also have more vegetables planted  popcorn, pumpkins, ...

  10. Produce Safety Workshop Is Nov. 14 in Northeast Ohio

    Administration should be releasing draft standards for safe production and harvest of fruits and vegetables as ...
