CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. New Cooperative Targets Ohio Farmers' Markets

    for consumers. Christie Welch, an OSU Extension farmers' market specialist at OSU South Centers ... products and foods.   Through the Ohio State University South Centers Ohio Cooperative Development Center, ... Welch said that the production of a farmers' market manual is also a focus of the new cooperative. ...

  2. Communiqué July 9, 2014

    employee in an organization. Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier ... Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain Futur e. By commons creating, we bring ... creating an environment where cooperation and competition thrive? Have we brought new clarity to achieving ...

  3. CD Wire- January 7, 2014

    create the Sustainable Sites Initiative™ (SITES™). SITES is an interdisciplinary effort by the American ... have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact ... information that's most valuable for the attendees. These mini-events are scheduled thematically, so look ...

  4. New Website Offers Farm Safety and Health Information and Resources

    farm-related safety and health questions, in an easy-to-navigate format featuring information offered from ... workers, with valuable information that can be accessed anytime,” she said. “And in an agricultural ... upcoming summer season with an ounce of prevention.” Support for the farm safety and health content on the ...

  5. Economist to Address Reducing Nutrient Runoff in Ohio Waters

    thinking than just instituting water conservation programs, according to an Ohio State University expert. ... contamination to Ohio’s streams, rivers and lakes, said Brent Sohngen, an agricultural economist with Ohio ... thawed. Instead, we may just have to reduce the overall nutrient input.” Sohngen, who also has an ...

  6. Composting Industry Tour Set for Aug. 23 in NW Ohio: How to Handle 1,300 Tons of Leaves, 35 Million Pounds of Food Scraps, More

    State University’s LEED-certified Oaks Dining Center, which features a green roof with an herb garden, ... is limited; when you register, indicate if you’d like to reserve a spot. Sponsoring the event are ...

  7. Chow Line: High-fructose corn syrup just like sugar (for 12/28/08)

    type, made of 42 percent fructose and 53 percent glucose, is used in other products. In comparison, ... other products, but the use of less-expensive high-fructose corn syrup steadily increased over the ...

  8. Ohio State Launches New Housing Learning Community Focused on Sustainability

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUSTAINS students canoeing during welcome weekend events. SUSTAINS was developed with a vision of strong ...

  9. Farmland Preservation Summit Set for Jan. 17

    methods to preserve farmland, said Mike Hogan, an Ohio State University Extension educator and Small Farm ... sessions on Using Agriculture as an Economic Development Tool and on Farm Income Opportunities from Natural ... Language in an Easement. Dave Marrison, OSU Extension educator, who will present a session on Farm Business ...

  10. Beef Symposium Targets Marketing Tools

    be $50 for the first participant from an agricultural operation and $25 for each additional person ... top of an apparent 10-15 year cycle, grid and value added marketing in their infancy, and growing ... timing is right for an in-depth beef cattle marketing program in Ohio," said Stan Smith, an OSU ...
