CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ash Killer Spreading: Here's How to Know What to Do

    trees, has spread south into Kentucky. Take steps now, says an Ohio State University forestry expert, ... Cincinnati and Louisville. Her talk, called “Minimizing the Impact of EAB on Your Woodland,” gives an ... to enhancing wildlife habitat, from controlling invasive plants to building ponds. Hours are 9 a.m.-4 ...

  2. Get Woodland, Wildlife Tips from Experts: 3 States, 3 Schools, March 26

    impact of the deadly, spreading emerald ash borer; and how to identify trees, wood, invasive plants and ...

  3. Corn Testing Positive for Vomitoxin: How Reliable was The Sampling?

    a second opinion from an independent lab. Before pulling samples for toxin analysis, grain handlers should ... portions of the load or from the beginning and end of the grain stream will not provide an accurate ... stream. For probe sampling, use hand or mechanical probes to sample from the entire bin, in an “X”-shaped ...

  4. Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee Watershed

    An Honors Thesis presentation by Karam Sheban will be presented at 2:30 p.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. ... grow more erratic, create conditions for an influx of phosphorus, a key nutrient in fertilizers and the ... limiting factor for algal growth in the lake. Over the last few decades, with an abundance of phosphorus ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- May 20, 2013

    is an interesting CFAES news release about Kaye and Dick Clay and their experience with leasing land ... discuss reducing the impacts of flooding, how green infrastructure can be an important tool to help reduce ... Extension, will teach an introductory food safety workshop focused on GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices) ...

  6. Grewal Receives University Distinction

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and also has an appointment with Ohio State ... conditions that will favor their performance. Grewal, an internationally known leader in urban entomology, ... Grewal is the leader of the first complete genome sequencing project of an entomopathogenic ...

  7. Metro Growth: A Mandate for Reinventing Regions in the 21st Century

    dwellers heading to the auto plant built in open countryside, and farmers trying to move equipment on what ...

  8. Dispatch from the Field: Tony Gallenstein on His Work with the iAGRI Program in Tanzania

    Tony Gallenstein, an AEDE doctoral student, is currently in Tanzania serving as a program manager ... Dave Kraybill serves as the iAGRI project director. iAGRI is an ambitious five-year program to improve ... joined Sokoine University of Agriculture on an iAGRI funded research and capacity-building initiative: ...

  9. Energy Balance of Cows and Mastitis: Potential Linkages

    with numerous other events, including hormonal changes, hypocalcemia, and changes in vitamin status; ...

  10. OARDC Researcher Receives Tomato Award

    Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Francis is the recipient of the 2002 Tomato Achievement Award, an honor ... satisfaction," Francis told farmers who attended the field day, "is working with an industry that consists ... that offer more resistance to diseases and yield a high-quality product in a humid environment, such as ...
