CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Poster Infomation

    Friday, August 12 Decision on the acceptance of your poster no later than  September 2 Deadline to submit ...

  2. Farmer Cooperators Needed to Document Effects of Pipeline Installation on Soil

    secure funding to conduct this research. But we need baseline information before the installation for the ..., (330) 263-3787 Research Cooperator Opportunity ...

  3. FABE study shows fish from Lake Erie are safe to eat, despite algae bloom

    a study from The Ohio State University. Researchers have finished one year of the study into how harmful ...

  4. Sewing Workshop-Intermediate/Advanced

    Anywhere, (425) Look Great for Less, (426) Clothing for your Career (431M) Clothing Master Design and ...

  5. Animal Sciences Celebration of Excellence

    Join us for an afternoon of recognizing our undergraduate and graduate students, Animal Sciences Hall of Fame and Dairy Hall of Fame recipients on Thursday, April 4 th  from 3:00-4:30 in the Fawcett Center. Those interested should RSVP to Julie Becker.287 ...

  6. Corn Silage Harvest Timing

    confident in your assessment. Harvest Moisture Guidelines Corn preserved between 30 and 38% DM (62 to 70% ... Guide for Timing Silage Harvest Dry matter content of whole plant corn varies with maturity.  Research ... lying area and drier on knolls), and this should be considered when collecting your sample plants. As ...

  7. Thanksgiving- Food Safety

    experienced with roasting one. Follow these tips to make sure your Thanksgiving meal is both delicious and ...

  8. CHOICE- The Big Data Confusion: Part 7

    growers today.  As a grower, you should have a choice on who to share your data with and the selection of ... provide a copy of your data?   It is also important to select an ATP that clearly explains a grower’s ...

  9. 2015 Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    are available an d CEUs will be available for ISA Certifie d Arborists. The event is organized by ...

  10. Undergrad Needed for Swine Project

    undergraduate student to work on a swine research project. Responsibilities will include video and photo editing ...
