CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2015 Chadwick Spring Plant Sale

    New England Aster Aster novae-angliae Monkey Flower Mimulus ringens Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ...

  2. Western Bean Cutworm Flight is Increasing

    bean cutworm activity are in NW and NE Ohio. Based on these counts, we would recommend growers scout ...

  3. Should You Expect Soybean Aphids This Year?

    agreed with the lack of aphids found during our own surveys of buckthorn across OH, funded by the Ohio ...

  4. Rumen Expert, Microbe Namesake, Notches 2008 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award

    April 22, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio State University’s Burk A. Dehority, an ... has received the 2008 Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award from the university’s Ohio ... Environmental Microbiology. He received the Department of Animal Sciences Research Award in 2000 and Ohio ...

  5. Local Food Farm Tour: Ruffwing Farms

    it's owners John and Cindy Albert and sponsored by Ohio State University Extension in Fairfield County. ...

  6. Meet the Team

    A.S. in Agricultural Business from The Ohio State University. Gary Wenneker, Pilot Plant Supervisor, is ... received his B.A. from the Ohio State University. Steven Simmons, Pilot Plant Supervisor, is responsible ... activities. Steven received his B.A. and M.S. from the Department of Food Science and Technology at The Ohio ...

  7. Legal Aspects of Ohio Farmland Leases

    Farm lease arrangements are an important component of farming operations in Ohio. The contractual ... of farm lease agreements. The following offers a brief explanation of legal aspects of Ohio farmland ... leases. Policy brief Saturday, May 1, 2010 Legal Aspects of Ohio Farmland Leases.pdf ...

  8. Soybean Rust-Labeled Fungicides Not Worth It for Other Diseases

    soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's ... role in research and education. These updates are expected to continue throughout 2005. WOOSTER, Ohio ... — In the interim of soybean rust's potential arrival to Ohio, growers may be compelled to use ...

  9. 2015 Spring Banquet and 100-Year Anniversary Celebration

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Across from the Schottenstein Center) 2201 Fred Taylor Dr. Columbus, OH ...

  10. CSAW Level 1 Training

    offered through the Ohio Forestry Association and they are handling registration. Class size is limited! ...
