CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Researchers Screening Soybean Lines for Virus Resistance

    late August. "We are trying to find out if the virus is present in the over-winter ... generation," said Redinbaugh. "Previous data suggests that if the virus is present in this generation, it ...

  2. Now's the Time to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode

    is to know which fields have nematodes and how many nematodes are present," said Mills, who also ... SCN." Currently, SCN is present in the majority of Ohio counties. Once infestation takes hold, it's ...

  3. Geomorphology

    Particular attention needs to be paid to the potential impact on a stream of: (a) land use changes that ...

  4. Online Flood Resources Available to Ohioans provide information about purchasing the receiver which is needed to hear the weather information. ...

  5. Ash Killer Spreading: Here's How to Know What to Do

    wallop. “A landowner needs to determine first what their risk of infestation is by knowing what percentage ...

  6. Acceleron® Challenge – I lost

    needed in all 3 locations where this study took place in 2014.  There was no significant difference in ...

  7. Results from Research Supported by the Ohio Dairy Research Fund

    role of Clostridia spp. and Sarcinia spp. in the pathogenesis of ABS is needed.  Capturing and ... Additional research is needed to quantify the effects of cover crops on recycling other manure nutrients ...

  8. Ohio Involved in Project Targeting Childhood Obesity

    support. "The hypothesis is that coaching will help the community address identified needs and will ...

  9. Rust, Commerical Turf Update, Sample Submission and Events EVENTS & TURFGRASS FIELD DAYS- 2010 Turfgrass Research Field Day – Wednesday August 11 @ OTF ...

  10. Steps to keep Palmer amaranth out of your operation

    mowed down this year (nothing except glyphosate actually).  We need to have a zero tolerance attitude ...
