CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Workshops Offer Farmers Help with Herbicide Resistance Weed Control in Ohio

    will feature presentations by Loux and Tony Dobbels, also an OSU Extension weed specialist. ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- May 14, 2012

    revise and rebuild (if needed) your program(s) pages. Sandy will be posting the content that you identify ... consultants, and counselors to present strengths based workshops and implement a StrengthsFinder program in the ... classroom, as part of student activities, or in faculty and staff development. Register by Wednesday, May 16, ...

  3. Poultry Science Club's Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

    From Thursday, March 29 to Friday, March 30, eggs will be hidden around the CFAES Campus and can be redeemed for prizes in the Kottman Lobby from 11am-2pm each day! They will have a 5 egg limit per person. Happy egg hunting! ...

  4. 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Is Thursday (6/10) in Secrest Arboretum

    Show” of the year blasts off on Thursday (6/10) at 7 p.m. The popular program, presented by “Dr. ...

  5. OBIC Bioproducts Network Webinar Event: "Algae Feedstocks- Technology and Markets)"

    Feautring: Dr. Stephanie Smith, Beagle Bioproducts Mark Randall, T2e Energy Watch the webinar (Recorded webinar starting on slide 5). ...

  6. April 1, 2018

    Happy Easter!  ...

  7. Scholarship Recipients 2013

    Wooddell L. E. Kunkle Student Development Fund- Kirra Kinney, Brittanie Logan, Garth Ruff, Ryan Williams ...

  8. Vinegar Makes Good Organic Herbicide

    fix atmospheric nitrogen for crops to use, eliminating the need to add chemical fertilizers. Before ... that it's a cheap alternative helps as well. "All you need to do is make a one-time ...

  9. Using Optical Sensors to Improve Nitrogen Management

    application efficiency is becoming increasingly important. In response to this need, Ohio State University ... nitrogen needs to be applied. "Current nitrogen recommendations assume four things: yield potential ...

  10. Prepare Wheat Planting with Fall Herbicide Applications

    "Growers need to realize that just because they do a burndown in the fall does not mean they will not have ... be needed for summer annual weeds, such as ragweeds and marestail, or winter annual weeds that emerge ...
