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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Christian, Jewish, Muslim Faiths and the Environment: Series Starts March 30

    Ohio, and Richard Moore, assistant director of SENR and director of Ohio State’s Environmental Sciences ... Environmental Sciences. Hitzhusen’s interests and specialties at Ohio State include the theory and practice of ...

  2. Astabula County Survey

    above and beyond within the 4-H program for the benefit of 4-H Youth.- Virginia March Your First Name ... Your Last Name CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to ...

  3. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    and we have the makings for a tight milk supply situation going into 2005. In addition, ...

  4. Nutrient Prices- Everything is Getting Cheap

    there is a lot of money to be made milking cows right now. Make sure that you use these extra dollars ...

  5. Cleaner, Safer Produce? Program for Farmers is April 14

    Environmental Sciences.- 30-   Ashley Kulhanek False False False False False True True False False False False ...

  6. EcoErek to the Rescue: Denim Collection at the 2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day

    April 27, on Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ...

  7. Black Raspberries Top Growers List in Survey

    "Also, there are many farmers who grow only small acres of berries and only market them in pick-your ... varieties, the pre-season survey also outlined prices producers charge customers in pick-your-own operations, ... typically charge $2.37/lb in pick-your-own markets, $3.33/pint in on-farm markets, and $3.79/pint in farmers ...

  8. ESSP Make-up Session


  9. ESSP Make-Up Session


  10. Fulton Soybean College, February 17, 2015

    Want to maximize your soybean production and profitability? Join OSU Extension in Fulton County ...
