CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Past Events


  2. Emotional Cues and Eating

    eat too fast when you eat alone.  So, make a commitment to share a lunch each week with a colleague, ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Alpacas (for the week of Aug. 12, 2001)

    luxurious. It’s used to make sweaters, blankets, mittens, gloves, scarves, hats and more. Ahhh. Alpacas ...

  4. Lake County Extension Educator Honored with National Nursery Award

    regulations. "Hardly a day goes by that Randy does not make a nursery visit for one reason or ...

  5. Protein May Hold Key for Vaccine Development of Pathogen

    year, making it the most common food-borne bacterial pathogen in the United States. Symptoms include ...

  6. OSU Extension Tax Management Factsheets Available

    USDA-sponsored soil and water conservation programs that make available cost-share payments, which may be ...

  7. List of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Keeps Growing

    University weed scientists have discovered another herbicide-resistant weed, making it the eighth confirmed ...

  8. No Worries About Wheat

    below the flag leaf — then they need to make a decision about whether or not to spray." Growers ...

  9. Potential Spider Mite Outbreak on Soybeans

    it's making an early appearance. "When the mite gets started this early, it tends to spread ...

  10. OSU Extension Programs Target Livestock Forage Management

    straw and other low quality forages as a source of feed, and making annual forages the traditional ...
